Childhood Dream

Tina Cooper

Since before she earned her First Aid badge in Girl Scouts, Tina Cooper has been interested in science and medicine. As she grew older, this interest intensified, and bloomed into a promising career.


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Chickasaw Culture and Identity

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Chickasaw culture is a mix of many things: caring about one another, self-improvement, a strong sense of family and a sense of identity.

Dynamic Chickasaw Women

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The Chickasaw Nation medical system employs many women — thanks to those who, in the past, broke barriers.

Family History in Achilles: Oklahoma

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There was a time when the entire town of Achilles, Oklahoma, belonged to the land allotment of Tina Cooper's ancestors.

Advantages of the Family Practice Model

Tina Cooper
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An Emphasis on Family Practice

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Diabetes and Culture

Tina Cooper
Native Americans once felt that diabetes was something that was inherited and simply dealt with as best as possible.