Governor's Proclamation

Decade of Chickasaw Language 2022-2032

The Chickasaw language is essential in the practice and expression of culture, connecting mind, body and spirit. With fewer fluent Chickasaw speakers, the Nation is committed more than ever to revitalizing the language among citizens.

Governor Anoatubby shares preservation efforts, including a partnership with the United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to address the urgent need to preserve and promote indigenous languages. Also included in the Decade of Chickasaw Language is the new Chikasha Academy Adult Immersion program, partnerships with local schools, inclusion of language into the martial arts program and AYA fitness app and more programs and services that reaffirm the Chickasaws' unique tribal sovereignty that is vital to the Chickasaw people now and for generations to come.


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Decade of Language Mission

Decade of Chickasaw Language 2022-2032
Quin Tran is joined by Joshua Hinson to discuss the Governor's active proclamation to preserve the Chickasaw language.